User Partnership

 User Workshops


  MWBS 2018

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  MUAS 2018

  MUAS 2015




 ATSR World Fire Atlas


 Sentinel-2 Time Series Emulation


University College London, Department of Geomatic Engineering
United Kingdom
Department of Geomatic Engineering
University College London (UCL)
Gower Street
United Kindgdom
Research Organisation
University College London (UCL) is one of the top three multi faculty universities in the UK. It is dedicated to excellence in research and has substantial support services for research activity within the college.

The Department of Geomatic Engineering at UCL works in all areas of geomatics: photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS, geodesy, hydrographic and engineering survey.

UCL teaches masters courses in all of these areas as well as a four year undergraduate course. The key areas of relevant research in the department of geomatic engineering are

  • the use of satellite imagery (generation of DEMs for global and regional mapping and for terrain evolution studies,
  • feature extraction such as buildings and trees in urban areas and automated 3D cloud-top heights from stereo photogrammetry);
  • airborne sensors including aerial imagery, Lidar and IfSAR (3D city models, flood plain mapping);
  • close range photogrammetry, laser scanning and optical metrology (3D city modelling using digital imagery and laser scanning, industrial measurement for the aerospace and automotive industries, biological and medical science).
Prof. Ian Dowman
+44 (0)20 7679 7226
+44 (0)20 7380 0453