User Partnership

 User Workshops


  MWBS 2018

  MWBS 2015

  MUAS 2018

  MUAS 2015




 ATSR World Fire Atlas


 Sentinel-2 Time Series Emulation


Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek
Boeretang 200,
2400 Mol,

VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek - Flemish Institute for Technological Research) is located in the Belgian region of Flanders. VITO provides specialised services and high standard R&D to the business world and governmental agencies. With a budget of 61 M€ in 2006 and about 500 researchers (full-time equivalents), VITO is Flanders' largest and best equipped research centre in the fields of environment, energy and new materials.

The VITO mission statement is defined as follows: “As independent and customer-oriented research organisation, VITO provides innovative technological solutions as well as scientifically based advice and support in order to stimulate sustainable development and reinforce the economic and social fabric of Flanders.”

VITO’s core business is organized in Centres of Expertise which are divided into 3 departments as: “Industrial Innovation”, “Ecology” and “Energy”, each lead by a research director.

Dr. Qinghan Dong
Flemish Institute of Technological Research
Innovators II - NEA-Forest