User Partnership

 User Workshops


  MWBS 2018

  MWBS 2015

  MUAS 2018

  MUAS 2015




 ATSR World Fire Atlas


 Sentinel-2 Time Series Emulation


Via Laurentina, 760
00143 ROMA

Datamat is a key player in the Information & Communication Technology sector in Italy. It is specialized in the development and supply of ICT solutions and services for Bank, Finance, Insurance, Defence, Space, Telecommunications, Media, Utilities, Public Administration and Healthcare. Datamat consolidated financial statements for the year 2003 show a production value increasing by 13% at 184 million euro and a significant improvement of results at all levels. FY03 closes with a positive bottom line and a backlog worth 172 euro million. The group counts about 1,750 highly skilled professionals distributed in various operative offices. As from October 2000, Datamat is listed on the New Market (index DAM.MI).


In the above markets, Datamat is focused on specific segments where ICT plays an ever-crucial role, by providing strategic leverage to optimise efficiency and offering top quality services. The range of products, systems and integrated services is targeted to public and private organizations, both at national and international level.

In the Space sector, Datamat’s presence dates back to the seventies, with the involvement in major international space programmes on several areas, such as on-board software for space vehicles (ATV, HERMES), ground facilities and engineering of the major European satellites (ENVISAT, HELIOS), management information systems (INFORMS-2, EFIS, SYSTRI). Currently, the Company closely collaborates with ESA for a wide range of activities, which include the engineering support to the ENVISAT PDS operational phases, the development and maintenance of the ESA reference multi-mission infrastructure, the maintenance and evolutions of ESA Corporate Information Management Systems.

In the Environment field, Datamat is specialised in the provision of sophisticated solutions and systems in meteorology, environmental monitoring and disaster management. These include weather and climate data acquisition, processing and presentation systems, as well as systems for environmental monitoring and emergency management support.

Federico Rossi
+39 06-5027-4787
+39 06-5027-2500